안녕하세요 우리밝은유학입니다. 오늘은 필리핀 CEU대학교
센트로 에스콜라 대학교 입학정보를 안내드립니다.
센트로에스콜라 대학교 는 사립대학교로 1907년 개교이래 마닐라 , 마카티 , 말롤로스 (불리카위치 )3개의 캠퍼스를 가지고 있느 학교입니다.
총 20,000명이 넘는 재학생이 있으며 아즈카라가 라는 작은학교를 시작으로 필리핀 탑 대학교 순위에 드는학교로 성장하였습니다.
학교에서는 보건학이 장점인 학교로 치기공학과 ,약학과 ,의료기기 공학과, 안경공학과, 간호학이 유명합니다.
그리고 비즈니스 메니지먼트, 병원행정학, 컴퓨터공학과, 심리학, 생리학, 피부미용학과, 사회복지학, 통계학 등이 있습니다,
ISO 인증 그리고 교황수상 기록이 있는 학교입니다.
마닐라 캠퍼스 입학정보
2014년~ 2015년
지원자 |
월 |
일 |
시간 |
신입생 |
8월~9월 |
2014년 8월 9일,23일, 9월13일,27일 |
오전8시~10시 오후 1시~3시 |
2014년 10월 ~ 2015년 5월 |
월요일~토요일 | ||
편입학생 |
2014년8월 ~ 2015년 5월 |
오전8시~오후1시 | |
국제학생 |
2014년 8월 ~ 2015년 |
화요일~ 수요일 |
I- card
선생님 추천서
반명함 사진
420페소 신청비
마닐라 캠퍼스 학과안내
1.School of Accountancy and Management
◦Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in
◾Financial Management
◾Marketing Management
◾Operations Management
◾Management Accounting
- Associate in Accounting Technology
◦Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (5 years)
◦Bachelor of Science in Legal Management
2.School of Education, Liberal Arts, Music and Social Work
◦Bachelor of Secondary Education major in
◾Biological Science
◾Physical Science
◦Bachelor of Elementary Education Specialization in
◾Pre-school Education
◾Special Education
◦Bachelor of Science in Social Work
◦Bachelor in Library and Information Science
- Associate in Library and Information Science
◦Bachelor of Arts (Curriculum A) major in
◾Mass Communication - Broadcast
◾Mass Communication - Journalism
◾Mass Communication - Performing Arts
◾Political Science
◦Bachelor of Arts with 18 units of Education (Curriculum B) major in
◾Mass Communication - Broadcast
◾Mass Communication - Journalism
◾Mass Communication - Performing Arts
◾Political Science
◦Bachelor of Music
◾Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
◾Woodwind (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon)
◾Brasswind (Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Tuba)
◾Choral Conducting
◾Theory Pedagogy
◦Bachelor of Music – Music Education
◾Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
◾Woodwind (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon)
◾Brasswind (Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Tuba)
◾Choral Conducting
◦Secondary Teacher Certificate (STC) 18 units of Education
◦Elementary Teacher Certificate (ETC) 18 units of Education
3.School of Dentistry ◦Doctor of Dental Medicine
- Associate in Arts (Pre-Dental Course)
4.College of Medical Technology ◦Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
5.School of Nursing ◦Bachelor of Science in Nursing
6.School of Nutrition and Hospitality Management
◦Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
- Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management
◦Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
◦Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
7.College of Optometry ◦Doctor of Optometry
8.School of Pharmacy ◦Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (4 years)
◦Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy specialized in Clinical Pharmacy (5 years)
◦Doctor of Pharmacy (6 years)
9.School of Science and Technology
◦Bachelor of Science in Psychology
◦Bachelor of Science in Biology
◦Bachelor of Science in Cosmetic Science
◦Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Associate in Computer Science
◦Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Associate in Information Technology
◦Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
마카티 캠퍼스 학과안내
Gil Puyat
•Bachelor of Science in Nursing
•Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
•Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (4 years)
•Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy specialized in Clinical Pharmacy (5 years)
•Bachelor of Science in Psychology
•Associate in Arts (Pre-Dental Course)
•Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Management
•Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
•Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Associate in Computer Science
•Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Associate in Information Technology
•Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
- Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management
•Doctor of Dental Medicine
말롤로스 캠퍼스 학과안내
1.College of Management and Technology
◦Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in
◾Marketing Management
◾Financial Management
◾Management Accounting
- Associate in Accounting Technology
◦Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Associate in Information Technology
2.College Of Hospitality Management
◦Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
◦Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
- Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management
3.College of Education, Liberal Arts and Science
◦Bachelor of Science in Psychology
◦Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (Curriculum A)
◦Bachelor of Arts with 18 units of Education in Mass Communication (Curriculum B)
◦Bachelor of Elementary Education Specialization in Special Education
4.Department Of Pharmacy ◦Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
5.Department of Nursing ◦Bachelor of Science in Nursing
6.Department Of Dentistry ◦Doctor of Dental Medicine
◾Associate in Arts (Pre-Dental Course)
우리밝은유학은 필리핀정규대학 입학 정보 NO.1 입니다.
필리핀 현지체류 10년 이상 유경험으로 정규 학교입학 정보 제공과 지원을 도와드립니다.
마닐라 알라방 / 세부 직영운영으로 학교지원을 도와드립니다.
필리핀 대학 입학을 고려하신다면 한가지 아셔야 하는 사실은 다른 국가에 비하여 온라인 입학지원이 어렵고
학교를 내방해서 서류접수만 진행한다는것을 아셔야 합니다.
한국에서 필리핀 학교를 결정하고 준비 지원 까지 모든 부분을 도와드립니다.
센트로에스콜라대학교 웹사이트 http://www.ceu.edu.ph
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